A white dolphin leaps out of the sea surface of the Leizhou Peninsula. [Photo/ The Information Office of Zhanjiang Municipal ...
The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday has begun, and five major theme parks in Guangzhou are welcoming a large number of visitors.
有着辨识度极高的标志性设计,白黑撞色的鞋身,辅以金色的鞋带扣,也因此得名——金扣配色。运用了最为简约的黑白色调,恰如其分的金色点缀,这双鞋一直是鞋迷心目中无可替代的 “圣杯”。据悉,在时隔 12 年之后,Air Jordan 12 “Taxi” 将在 ...
Fisherman Robin Dejillo, 49, (wearing blue shirt), is rescued after he went missing for 46 days and apparently drifting for ...
该鞋款全鞋设计上以黑色皮革为主体,换上银色 Swoosh Logo,而内侧代表性的说明书式字样则改以阿拉伯文呈现。除了阿拉伯文字,该鞋还拥有一个超大的褶皱 Swoosh,以及露出的泡沫鞋舌等其他标志性的 Off-White 细节。
在斑斓的秋色中,真正的时尚不必以张扬的姿态夺取眼球,而是以一种简约而不简单的态度,缓缓流淌在每一寸衣袂之间。 white tea(白茶)本期新品,它以细腻的触感、流行的色系,以及精心剪裁的轮廓,将秋日的氛围感拿捏得恰到好处,让每一位穿着者都能 ...
编者按:清华大学战略与安全中心研究员周波在South China Morning Post(《南华早报》)上发文回应New York ...
材质 碳钢,不锈钢,铜,衬氟,塑料,铸铝合金,铸铁,透明丙烯酸,哈氏合金,钛,玛瑙,氟包塑,其他 执行质量标准 国标 Portable turbidity meter Turb 355 浊度仪是德国WTW生产的一款便携式浊度仪,Portable turbidity meter Turb 355 浊度仪由深圳浚海代理销售。 Portable turbidity meter Turb 355 ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...