Dezeen Showroom: from lighting and seating with acoustic properties to sound-absorbing panels, the following products are among noise-controlling items recently featured on Dezeen Showroom.
For researchers, this can offer rich data about where species are, how big their populations are, and what they’re doing. This makes remote sound recorders – often called ‘acoustic sensors’ – ...
Can six linear holes on the top-side of an acoustic enhance its tone, volume and your playing experience? Petr Furch believes so, promising “clearer, louder, and more resonant sound” via the Booster ...
Dezeen Showroom: product design brand Acoufelt has developed an acoustic, grid-like ceiling frame system that presents an unobstructive way to control the noise levels of interior spaces.
Echolocating bats have been found to possess an acoustic cognitive map of their home range, enabling them to navigate over kilometer-scale distances using echolocation alone.
Seismos uses acoustic sensing and AI-driven data analytics to provide real-time mapping of enclosed ... [+] structures like wells and pipelines. Good environmental stewardship should include ...