Light is a powerful source of energy that is used for various biological purposes. Some organisms harness light to produce ATP, the energy currency of cells, while others use light to interpret ...
Proteins are the workhorses of cells. Learn how their functions are based on their three-dimensional structures, which emerge from a complex folding process.
Purple membranes (two-dimensional crystals of bacteriorhodopsin) embedded in either sugar were studied in a ‘partially hydrated’ as well as after ‘drying’ of the specimen. Diffraction patterns of the ...
Molecular Communication,Bit Error,Bit Error Rate,Number Of Molecules,Bit Error Rate Performance,Inter-symbol Interference,Conformational Changes,Error Probability ...
MIB - Munich Innovative Biomaterials GmbH focuses on the development of technical applications based on the photochromic protein Bacteriorhodopsin. Products offered by MIB include wild-type and ...
The Protein Data Bank ("PDB"), maintained at the RCSB at Rutgers University is a powerful resource. This database contains over twelve thousand files describing the three-dimensional structures of ...
Perfringolysin O (PFO) is a prototypical member of a large family of pore-forming proteins that undergo a significant reduction in height during the transition from the membrane-assembled prepore to ...
Background: Superradiance is the phenomenon of many identical quantum systems absorbing and/or emitting photons collectively at a higher rate than any one system can individually. This phenomenon has ...
Taya, Minoru Kadooka, Kevin and Bar-Cohen, Yoseph 2018. Review on viscoelastic behavior of dielectric polymers and their actuators. p. 19. Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Kairi Shomura, Kazuya Sano, Yuka ...
The protein dynamical transition at ∼ 200 K, where the biomolecule transforms from a harmonic, non-functional form to an anharmonic, functional state, has been thought to be slaved to the thermal ...
Integrated optics, optical spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, dielectric behavior of materials, electronic transport phenomena in solids, electronic and optical phenomena in polymeric and biomolecular ...
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