As of September 2023, China has deployed approximately 4.09 million 5G base stations and recorded 981 million 5G mobile ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@评测科技前沿于12月01日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 前言 ...
Yangzhou, which is renowned for its picturesque beauty and livable environment, is a glowing illustration of green ...
Artificial intelligence is here, and members of Congress are trying to use this development to make headlines.
SHANGHAI - Korean chipmakers have been disadvantaged by U.S. sanctions, which prohibit them from cooperating with Huawei, ...
11月28日,第二十一届中国国际农产品交易会在广州盛大启幕。为期四天的大会在促进农产品贸易的同时,特别设置智慧农业展区,呈现人工智能、大数据等高新技术在农业农村领域的最新应用场景。中国移动以“AI+智慧农业赋能乡村振兴”主题精彩亮相,全景化展现AI赋 ...
Additional photos provide a more detailed look at the mysterious Chinese flattop that TWZ was first to report on, and which recently went to sea, apparently for its first trials. While the exact ...
A 600-square-kilometer zone located approximately 300 kilometers southwest of Beijing has been greenlit as the largest drone-testing airspace in north China, set to boost the growth of the nation's ...
2024年7月,长沙比亚迪电子二期项目在深圳比亚迪总部签约,项目总投资额达10亿元。该项目通过租赁5G智能终端产业园8.8万平方米高标准厂房,建设了高端智能手机等终端产品生产基地,预计全面投产后将新增智能终端年产量1000万台以上,年产值将超100亿 ...