The first episodes of the animated video game anthology series Secret Level have been released on Prime Video, and one of the ...
The beloved and subversive superhero series The Boys continues with its thrilling fourth season. Developed by Eric Kripke, this season dives deeper into the corrupt world of superheroes, led by a ...
For our most comprehensive year-end feature, we’re providing a cumulative look at The Film Stage’s favorite films of 2024. We ...
Skeleton Crew dropped this week, and it introduced us to Jude Law ’s mysterious “Jedi” character who goes by three names that ...
Despite business executives' best efforts to purge animation from their streaming services, there was some outstanding ...
Novocaine hits theaters on March 12, 2025. This intense thriller stars Jack Quaid as a man who turns a medical peculiarity ...
Paramount Pictures has released the trailer for ‘Novocaine’ featuring ‘The Boys’ star Jack Quaid. When the girl of his dreams ...
In the trailer for Novocaine, Jack Quaid is a man who can't feel any pain. He transforms this weakness into his strength and ...
The official Paramount Pictures YouTube channel dropped a trailer for a film that takes a lot of inspiration from other action vigilante films that are all about fighting against unfair odds and evil ...
‘Novocaine' is executive produced by Paul Barbeau, Glen Basner, Josh Adler, Lars Jacobson and Alison Cohen. It is produced by Drew Simon, Tory Tunnell, Joby Harold, Sam Speiser, Matt Schwartz and ...
From new superhero films to sequels and franchises, we list the 27 major movies coming out in 2025. Stay tuned!
The trailer of the new Hollywood action comedy titled Novocaine starring The Boys star Jack Quaid has dropped online and many ...