BEIJING, Sep 20 (China Economic Net) – China is transitioning from a solar manufacturing powerhouse to a leading innovator in ...
Huangzhuang village, about 250 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing, is famous for its mooncakes, which Chinese people ...
On September 13th, the China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo (CITIE 2024) opened at Area A in the Canton Fair ...
In Hengqin, you'd be amazed by how much can be accomplished in the time it takes to listen to a song. 20 seconds for seamless ...
China plans to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in certain cities and regions across the country, ...
除组件企业外,美国光伏原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland ...
这家总部位于深圳的公司一直是中美之间日益加剧的科技竞争的焦点,目前正在经历一场壮观的复苏,推出了Mate 60 Pro和Mate X5等广受欢迎的机型。尽管面临美国制裁,华为在8月报告称收入和利润均实现了两位数增长。
On Sept 3, the 2024 Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) opened in Guizhou's Renhuai city. At this event, ...
摘要:茶树是一种珍贵的常绿作物,在中国和许多其他国家广泛种植。近年来,人们对茶树的研究兴趣日益浓厚。对于茶产业来说,开发快速、无损的方法来评估茶树在自然环境下的生长是至关重要的。 该文全面概述了无损传感技术在茶叶原位检测中的应用。所 ...
China's strength in agricultural science and technology has entered the first echelon internationally, laying a solid ...