Samsung is gearing up to launch the Galaxy S25 series, presumably in mid to late January 2025, at its next Galaxy Unpacked ...
Samsung has a lot in the works at the moment. The company is preparing to launch its next flagship phone – the Samsung Galaxy ...
Ahead of an expected launch in late January 2025, we have our best look yet at the five colors Samsung will offer consumers ...
Of course it'd be amazing if Samsung chose now to enter the drone marketplace. It is a world where the best camera drones ...
Waiting for Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra? Then here are 10 reasons why you should skip the new-gen and buy Galaxy S24 Ultra.
Samsung could finally showcase its XR smart glasses alongside the Galaxy S25 series in January. The XR device will supposedly ...
Leaks suggest the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 could be a lot more powerful – and far more expensive – than the Gen 1.
此前网上传闻,当前手机领域的两大巨头三星和苹果都计划在明年推出超薄手机,分别是 Galaxy S25 Slim 和 iPhone 17 Air。新消息显示,三星 Galaxy S25 Slim 的一些优势已经曝光,三星希望借此与 iPhone 17 ...
Samsung is gearing up for its next flagship launch, the Galaxy S25 Ultra. Expected to debut in early 2025, this new addition ...
随着科技的不断进步,各大手机厂商在智能手机的硬件与软件上都在持续创新,力争在市场中占据一席之地。三星作为全球知名的手机制造商,其即将发布的旗舰手机——Galaxy S25 Slim,已经引发了业内的广泛关注。根据最新的曝料信息,该款手机预计将在2025年第2季度推出,凭借其2亿主摄和全新的ALoP照相技术,势必将在竞争激烈的市场中创造新的风潮。 根据消息源SanjuChoudhary的推文,Gal ...
近日,据外媒报道,即将发布的三星Galaxy S25系列手机将维持与现款S24系列相同的价格区间,起售价为799美元(约合人民币5788元),这一消息引发了广泛讨论。下面将深入探讨三星Galaxy ...