Três músicos com vestes tradicionais do Bahrein, em branco e vermelho, estavam no palco. Com eles o oud e qanun.
Brazil’s poultry genetics exports to Saudi Arabia totaled 91 tonnes in August, marking a 1,727% increase compared to the same ...
Retomada do voo direto Casablanca-SP pela companhia marroquina Royal Air Maroc a partir de 7 de dezembro gera expectativa de ...
As exportações de genética avícola à Arábia Saudita somaram 91 toneladas em agosto em uma expansão de 1.727% em relação ao ...
Three musicians in traditional Bahraini attire celebrated 50 years of diplomatic relations with Brazil at the ABCC in São ...
ساو باولو – حصل بنك التنمية الاجتماعية السعودي SDB على الجائزة البلاتينية كأفضل مؤسسة مالية ممولة للسيدات رائدات الأعمال في ...
The direct flight resuming between Casablanca and São Paulo by Royal Air Maroc on December 7 is expected to boost tourism ...
Brazil and Morocco will play one of the quarterfinal matches of the Futsal World Cup, currently being held in Bukhara, ...
Brasil e Marrocos farão um dos jogos das quartas-de-final da Copa do Mundo de Futsal, que está sendo realizada em Bucara no ...
O Brasil terá uma das maiores delegações nos jogos mundiais escolares ISF Gymnasiade, evento que será realizado em Manama, no ...
تشارك البرازيل بإحدى أكبر الوفود الرياضية في الألعاب العالمية المدرسية التي ستقام في العاصمة البحرينية المنامة في الفترة من ...
Brazil will have one of the largest delegations at the School World Games, or ISF Gymnasiade, an event organized by the ISF.