憲法法庭指出,憲法保障生命權,首在防禦國家的不法侵害,國家也有義務保護人民生命權不受他人的非法侵害。但國家因合法使用武力,例如軍人從事作戰行為、警察執行公權力等,仍可能因此造成人民生命喪失。國家公權力行為符合法定要件及正當程序的要求,甚且得阻卻其違法 ...
▲2024北美台灣科技年會擴大舉辦Taiwan Demo Day,共有16家新創團隊參與,14家來自矽谷、紐約、西雅圖等美國各地, 2家來自於台灣。吸引很多矽谷創投機構與科技企業高階主管參與,連結台灣美國新創生態圈。(TaiwanNext ...
台南市府教育局以「享當季、食在地」的理念推動學校午餐,20日由帕莎蒂娜國際餐飲集團與歸仁國小合作,舉辦「府城之味─海陸好食」味覺教育課程,邀請專業禮儀老師及許志興主廚親自講解食材的選擇及烹飪技巧,用寓教於樂方式引導學童認識健康飲食的重要性,教育局長鄭 ...
The Greenville News will be providing live coverage from Columbia today leading up to the execution of Freddie Owens.
The podcast shines a light on Jesse Lee Johnson, a man formerly convicted of murder and placed on death row for 17 years ...
This tax proposal comes from Project 2025, a conservative presidential transition plan with ties to Trump that he has ...
The Regents are working with state universities to analyze diversity, equity and inclusion programs and positions to comply ...
Farm Bill will likely see another year-long extension as the deadline for new legislation rapidly approaches on Sept. 30.
Republican incumbent Rep. Brooke Boden and Democrat Spencer Waugh are competing to represent Iowa House District 21 in Warren ...
The proposed plan to extend the Blue Line light rail transit through north Minneapolis has generated the usual bad-faith ...
Early voting for South Dakota’s Nov. 5 general election begins today. To cast an early ballot, voters should first make sure ...