Here’s another true statement: When the weather is extreme, it negatively impacts my joints.
Several community members mentioned items like compression gloves and socks, heating pads, and massage devices. A wide ...
After 40 years with RA, arthritis, and mobility struggles, managing pain is a daily challenge, even with modern tools like wheelchairs and rollators.
Discover the personal challenges of finding pain relief while living with RA, fibromyalgia, and other autoimmune conditions.
Needles and RA go hand-in-hand. When patients are prescribed injectable methotrexate or one of the first line biologic medicines like Enbrel or Humira, they tend to stress over the fact that needles ...
I was in the USAF and kept getting migraine headaches; my neck hurt every time I moved it. The military said, "You just don't want to work." I was made to feel like I was lazy. After I got out of the ...
I'm a 64 year old male that was diagnosed 15 years ago with RA. I'm a self employed as a field mechanic, and my hobbies used to include bowling, softball, and motorcycle riding. Now, maybe If I'm not ...
I have had RA and fibromyalgia for 25 years. I have tried lots of different biologics and other medications over that time. Some have worked better than others, and some not at all. I'm at a point ...