We extract ore and transport it through a a complete logistics chain, which includes railroads and ports. In our activity, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. We extract ore and transport it through a ...
We extract ore and transport it through a a complete logistics chain, which includes railroads and ports. In our activity, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, ...
As obras para a construção das novas pontes sobre o rio Tocantins movimentam a cidade de Marabá, no sudeste do Pará. O projeto consiste na construção de duas pontes ao lado da estrutura ...
access-the-page Treatment of discrepancies in orders and tax invoices access-the-page How to send invoice access-the-page Inove Capital access-the-page Be a supplier A estimativa é que a estrutura ...
A trilha dos Guaiamuns estará temporariamente fechada nas terças, quartas e quintas-feiras excepcionalmente esta semana, para remoção de árvores exóticas, que não são nativas do ecossistema restinga e ...
We are made by people and for people. With each job done, we receive a new opportunity to transform our work environment and the world we live in. Get to know our action fronts. We work with ...
We want to transform the future. For this reason, we are already working with local communities and different sectors of society with the aim of leaving a positive social, economic, cultural and ...
We are made by people and for people. With each job done, we receive a new opportunity to transform our work environment and the world we live in. Get to know our action fronts. Have you ever thought ...
We want to transform the future. For this reason, we are already working with local communities and different sectors of society with the aim of leaving a positive social, economic, cultural and ...
A estimativa é que a estrutura seja liberada para veículos e pedestres a partir do dia 18 de dezembro As obras do viaduto rodoviário que dará acesso ao Aeroporto Regional Vale do Aço entraram na fase ...
A Vale informa que seu Conselho de Administração aprovou a distribuição de juros sobre o capital próprio (JCP) no valor total bruto de R$0,520530743 por ação 1, apurados conforme o balanço de 30 de ...