Then, ask students to brainstorm other science fiction movies or TV programs that deal with travel in space. What characteristics do they share with Blake's 7? What problems with space travel have ...
Do You Speak American? has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, promoting excellence in the humanities. Additional funding is provided by the William and Flora ...
Alexander Fleming was born in a remote, rural part of Scotland. The seventh of eight siblings and half-siblings, his family worked an 800-acre farm a mile from the nearest house. The Fleming children ...
Between 1300 and 1600 the Western world was transformed. An extraordinary wave of artistic and cultural innovation shattered medieval society and brought European culture reluctantly into the modern ...
The first transistor was about half an inch high. That's mammoth by today's standards, when 7 million transistors can fit on a single computer chip. It was nevertheless an amazing piece of technology.
DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN United States Senator (D-NY) QUESTION: I wonder if we could begin with a short autobiography from you? Let's take it from birth to the end of your career in the U.S. Navy. SEN.
Photo: The identical Herrick twins were the first participants in a successful kidney transplant. The idea of transplanting organs is not new. It can be found in myths of the ancient Greeks and was ...
Ben J. Wattenberg, host/essayist of The First Measured Century, is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and writes a weekly newspaper column syndicated by United Media to more than 200 ...
Rosalind Franklin always liked facts. She was logical and precise, and impatient with things that were otherwise. She decided to become a scientist when she was 15. She passed the examination for ...
In March 1944 German troops marched into Budapest. Although Hungary was allied to the Nazis, Hitler considered the country an unreliable partner, especially when they refused to deport some 760,000 ...
Orville and Wilbur Wright were inspired by Otto Lilienthal, a German glider pioneer. Though he crashed to his death in 1896, the Wrights were obsessed the technical problems involved in flight. They ...
Writing, spelling, and reading reinforce each other. Spelling helps a child see the patterns in language and understand how words are really put together. By learning spelling, children realize that ...