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The last time we had the opportunity to see the British Museum collection through the eyes of a contemporary artist, it was through those of Grayson Perry, with Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman in 2011.
Discover the rise, influence and decline of Stonehenge across 6,000 years of history. Lying some 150km west of London in the Wiltshire countryside, Stonehenge is perhaps the world's most awe-inspiring ...
The Mausoleum, which was regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is so impressive that the word 'mausoleum' is now used for many monumental tombs. Although built on a much grander ...
Visit Room 23 to enjoy many sculptures that are Roman versions of Greek originals. During the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean in the second and first centuries BC, Greek sculpture was both admired ...
English artist known for her 'paper mosaiks', Mary Delany (née Granville 1700–1788) lived in England and Ireland. In her 70s, Delany invented a form of paper-cutting or decoupage, which she called her ...
This gallery is home to some of the most famous works of art from ancient Egypt: the tomb chapel of Nebamun. Dating back to about 1350 BC, these are wall paintings from the tomb chapel of a wealthy ...
Travel back through 3,000 years of Egyptian history and come face-to-face with the Statues of Ramesses II and Amenhotep III. The objects in the Egyptian sculpture gallery represent three millennia of ...
The Parthenon was built as a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was the centrepiece of an ambitious building programme on the Acropolis of Athens. The temple's great size and lavish use of ...
Split across three rooms, these galleries display life during this period in Assyrian culture. On display are lion hunting reliefs, the siege of the city of Lachish and scenes from inside the palace ...
The Museum produces a range of publications that showcase the scope and depth of research it undertakes. From award-winning illustrated exhibition catalogues to academic monographs, the Museum ...
Room 52 celebrates Iran, which was a major centre of ancient culture. Iran was rich in valuable natural resources, especially metals, and played an important role in the development of ancient Middle ...