Watch a video a day, recommended based on your level and interests. Mark any words you don't know. Learn your new words by filling in the blanks while interacting with the video line. GoLive! and have ...
İngilizce çeviri yaparken en önemli faktör nedir? En önemli faktör, kaynak metnin anlamını doğru bir şekilde hedef dile aktarmaktır. Bu, dil bilgisi, kültürel uyumluluk, terminoloji ve dilin doğru ...
TOEFLスピーキングセクションは、英語を話す能力を評価するために設けられた試験です。今回は、TOEFLスピーキングセクションの形式や出題傾向、例文付きのサンプル問題をご紹介します。さあ、自信を持ってスピーキングに挑戦しましょう! この記事で ...
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Understanding the difference between basic and advanced English vocabulary can make a significant impact on communication skills, especially for language learners aiming to sound more fluent and ...