Observers in the West have largely interpreted the devastating violence that has engulfed Myanmar following the February 2021 military coup as a “battle between democracy and authoritarianism”. This ...
Liam Gammon is the editor of New Mandala and Research Fellow at the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research at the Australian National University (ANU), where he also sits on the editorial board of ...
The motivations behind these reforms—the renewed emphasis on language learning, a desire to see more Australian students up in the Indo-Pacific for longer duration experiences, and a rebalancing of ...
New Mandala provides anecdote, analysis and new perspectives on Southeast Asia. It devotes its attention to the politics and societies of Southeast Asian countries, and their connections with one ...
Clive Kessler is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He is the author of Islam and Politics in a Malay State: Kelantan 1838-1969 (Cornell U.P ...
Ask anyone from Myanmar where they were and what they thought when they learnt of the 1 February 2021 military coup and it is likely they can recall in detail. As word of the takeover spread, it broke ...
Edoardo Siani is an anthropologist who writes about Buddhist cosmology and power in contemporary Thailand. Based in Bangkok since 2002, he received his PhD in anthropology and sociology from SOAS, ...
Jacqui Baker is a Lecturer in Southeast Asian Politics and a Senior Fellow at Murdoch University’s Indo-Pacific Research Centre where her research focuses on the political economy of development in ...
The views expressed on New Mandala are the views of the authors. They do not represent the views of the website, its editorial team or any of its partner organisations. New Mandala accepts no ...
Dr Rebecca Gidley was the editor of New Mandala in 2019 and 2020 while teaching international relations, political science, and history at the College of Asia and Pacific at the Australian National ...
On 28 July 2024 Muhammadiyah, Indonesia’s second largest Islamic organisation, officially announced that it would accept an offer of mining concessions from President Joko Widodo’s government. This ...