Dupixent recommended for EU approval by the CHMP to treat eosinophilic esophagitis in children as young as 1 year old Recommendation based on a phase 3 study showing a significantly ...
We want to build a healthier, more resilient world. We turn the impossible into the possible by discovering, developing, and delivering medicines and vaccines for millions of people around the world.
Nous sommes fiers d’être partenaire Premium des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024. Comme les athlètes olympiques et paralympiques, nous nous mettons chaque jour au défi, individuellement ...
At Sanofi, we’re proud to be premium partner of Paris 2024. Like Olympians and Paralympians, we spend every day challenging ourselves and each other to be better, go further, and to never, ever settle ...
Sanofi, RadioMedix, and Orano Med announce licensing agreement on next-generation radioligand medicine for rare cancers Paris, France, and Houston, Texas, ...
We chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives, and sometimes that means starting over with Plan B, Plan C, or even Plan Z. This film brings together the inner thoughts and ambitions of ...
A Million Conversations is Sanofi’s global initiative to rebuild trust in healthcare with the underrepresented. Specifically with Black and ethnic minority groups, women, people with disabilities, and ...
The Sanofi of today is built on a heritage of turning the impossible into the possible for people and communities around the globe. In the last half century, Sanofi has grown into one of the world’s ...
Nous sommes fiers d’être partenaire Premium des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024. La science et le sport ont beaucoup en commun. Comme les athlètes, nous repoussons nos limites pour ...
The www.sanofi.com website (hereinafter the “site”) is owned and operated by SANOFI WINTHROP INDUSTRIE, belonging to Groupe Sanofi. The presentation and each of the elements, including trademarks, ...
Il existe de meilleures solutions. De meilleurs médicaments, de meilleurs résultats, une meilleure science. Tout cela est dû à des personnes comme vous, issues de milieux différents, situées dans des ...
We foster relationships with healthcare professionals (HCPs) to share up-to-date information about our products, exchange scientific and medical insights, and disseminate educational information that ...