Sir John Holland of Scotland Yard and his daughter Joan are implicated in a murder when they attend a party held by the much-hated Lord Studholme.
A retiring sergeant sees his last platoon of National Service conscripts through basic training, betting that they will win the Star Squad award. Although the film was a big box office hit, it is in ...
A man, irritated by the presence of a photographer, solves his dilemma by swallowing him and his camera whole.
Following a mysterious white rabbit, Alice falls down a hole in the ground and finds herself in a strange topsy-turvy universe populated by wondrous creatures. Miller digs deep into the roots of ...
After the death of her foster father, Fanny is employed by her real father (a Cabinet minister) as a servant, and uncovers various things about his wife and her lover Lord Manderstoke that might best ...
Better than any other genre, social realism has shown us to ourselves, pushing the boundaries in the effort to put the experiences of real Britons on the screen, and shaping our ideas of what British ...
A few months into World War Two, the GPO Film Unit was transferred to the Films Division of the Ministry of Information. Its new name - the Crown Film Unit - reflected its special status as film ...
London is being terrorised by a Jack the Ripper-style murderer, the Avenger, who targets young blond-haired women. A mysterious new lodger arrives at the home of Mr and Mrs Bunting, whose daughter ...
Lumping together filmmakers of any kind within a single cultural grouping is fraught with difficulty, so the term 'British-Asian' may, for example, fail to recognise individual artistic voices (such ...
When the oil tanker San Demetrio is hit by enemy fire, the crew abandon ship. But after several days adrift in a lifeboat, some of the crew find the ship miraculously still afloat. With courage and ...
A sceptical American psychologist visits England and investigates a fellow scientist's mysterious death. In so doing he encounters a black magician who has the power to invoke an ancient fire demon to ...
The bizarre adventures of a frustrated actor, who walks off a tired family sitcom into a world of talking dogs, and dancing advertisements. Unusually, the series was shot on film, marking it out from ...