Delve into creating interactive products, from apps to wearable technology. Discover how to understand what users want and need. You will dive into practical projects and find creative solutions for a ...
York St John University has been named as the University of the Year for Social Inclusion by The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025. The award was given to York St John in ...
It is important for Trusted Contacts to understand that a student's consent to share information is dynamic. Although a student may have opted into the Trusted Contact process during enrolment or ...
Shakespeare on Screen in Prison (SoSiP) is a partnership between the York St John University Prison Partnership Project (YSJUPPP), KPPL Productions and HMP New Hall (a closed category female prison in ...
Our Speech and Language Therapy MSc degree has been designed to enable you to apply for registration with the professional health regulation bodies when you graduate. These are the UK Health and ...
Develop your practical legal skills as you prepare for your law career. Working in the York St John Law Clinic will help you to develop transferable skills and experience legal practice. This course ...
The Music, Memory and Narrative Research Group was founded in 2018 as the Music Memoir Research Group, following the highly successful ‘You’re Twisting My Memory’ conference. The group changed its ...
Choose from 3 routes: Law LLB (3 years), MLaw or MLaw Legal Practice (4 year integrated master's). All our courses offer practical experience over each year of study and will prepare you for your ...
At York St John we are known for our friendly community, inspiring courses and supportive staff. Come and meet us on campus and see what makes us special. An experience like no other. Begin your ...
Thanks for your interest in studying at York St John! You can request a copy of our postgraduate guide to be emailed to you using the form below. Enter your details to request a copy of our guide. You ...
Investigate theories, ideas and issues relating to law and society from many different perspectives. The topics you will cover on this foundation year are relevant to Criminology, Sociology, Law and ...
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics tackle issues that are as relevant today as they have ever been. This degree is for those who are always asking why. The topics you will discuss on this course are at ...