This course is available on the MA in Asian and International History (LSE and NUS), MA in Modern History, MSc in Empires, Colonialism and Globalisation, MSc in History of International Relations, MSc ...
Van Gunten, Tod S 2015. Cohesion, consensus, and conflict: Technocratic elites and financial crisis in Mexico and Argentina. International Journal of Comparative ...
Daedalus, Vol. 150, No. 3, The Administrative State in the Twenty-First Century: Deconstruction and/or Reconstruction (Summer 2021), pp. 172-187 (16 pages) The core problem of the administrative state ...
Over on the Facebook 5G and microwave radiation group, an article from Technocracy News claims: "It is becoming pretty clear that the Hunan coronovirus is an engineered bio-weapon that was either ...
The rise of aerospace specialists like Ma Xingrui and Zhang Hongwen is a notable exception to the Xi era turn away from technocracy and engineer-politicians.
That’s especially so when coupled with her critique of 1990s and 2000s democratic optimism about the future, the idea that free trade and technology (what we ought to call technocracy ...