本文对盖梁预制装配技术进行了分类,并介绍了典型的工程实例。. 总结了预制盖梁的性能研究现状,总结了盖梁预制装配技术存在的不足和改进方向。. Abstract: The prefabricated assembly construction has become the trend of urban bridge construction. However, urban wide...
2024年10月23日 · A new composite bent cap consisting of a shell made of steel plate and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) and cast-in-place core normal concrete (NC) was proposed in order to realize the assembly and rapid construction of ultra-large-scale bent cap for urban viaducts or highway reconstruction and expansion projects.
2024年1月16日 · Prefabricated assembly construction has become a trend in urban bridge construction. However, urban wide bridges with high traffic demand usually have a large number of lower structure bent...
预制盖梁节段安装施工技术研究. Study on Construction Technology of precast Bent Cap Segment Installation. 在线阅读 下载PDF. 引用 收藏 分享. 摘要 桥梁盖梁采用预制拼装施工工艺,通过设计一种抗剪工装来实现独柱墩盖梁的安装,通过反拉蹬筋完成双柱墩盖梁节段安装,通过设计一 ...