IBM Rational ClearQuest is change management software that helps improve developer productivity while accommodating the methodologies, processes and tools that best fit the project and the people on the team.
2016年8月22日 · Rational ClearQuest is a defect management and workflow automation software from IBM Rational software division. The main purpose and use of this IBM ClearQuest tool is a Bug and Change Request tracking tool for testing related projects.
This tutorial is for users who will use the ClearQuest Client to submit, modify, and transition change requests; create and run queries to retrieve change requests; and produce reports that display summary information about the change requests in your user database.
Rational ClearQuest provides three charts to help you analyze your data: Distribution, Trend, and Aging. Distribution charts measure how many records fall into defined categories or match the values you indicate.
Rational ClearQuest software man-ages the full range of testing activities from test planning, to test execution, to the capture and analysis of test results. With Rational ClearQuest software, you can define test plans, create test cases and associate test cases with specific test plans.
Rational ClearCase products provide deep integration with leading IDEs, including IBM Rational Application. Local and remote developers can easily join a project, access files and view change information. Developers can easily track defects and changes.
With ClearQuest, you can manage every type of change activity associated with software development, including enhancement requests, defect reports, and documentation modifications. ClearQuest shortens development cycles by unifying your entire team in the process of managing software change: Development engineers can identify and prioritize action
IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® is a comprehensive change tracking system for software development environments. Assuming roles in a change request environment Setting up, managing, and working in a change-request environment involves three roles: users, administrators, and schema developers.
to use ClearQuest, and a brief example of how the ClearQuest administrator can customize ClearQuest to fit your workflow. Installing Rational ClearQuest: Explains how to install ClearQuest, ClearQuest Designer, vendor databases, and related tools. and the following online documentation: Release notes ClearQuest Help: Online Help for ClearQuest.