  1. Halo orbit - Wikipedia

    • A halo orbit is a periodic, three-dimensional orbit associated with one of the L1, L2 or L3 Lagrange points in the three-body problem of orbital mechanics. Although a Lagrange point is just a point in empty space, its peculiar characteristic is that it can be orbited by a Lissajous orbit or by a halo orbit. These can be thought of as resulting from an interacti… 展开

    Definition and history

    Robert W. Farquhar first used the name "halo" in 1966 for orbits around L2 which were made periodic using thrusters. Farquhar advocated us…

  1. A halo orbit is a periodic, three-dimensional orbit near one of the L 1, L 2 or L 3 Lagrange points in the three-body problem of orbital mechanics. Although a Lagrange point is just a point in empty space, its...


    Because the Gateway can sit in this halo orbit, almost like it’s held in place by the gravity of Earth and the moon, it requires little energy for stationkeeping or to maneuver into other cislunar orbits. The orbit...

    blog.maxar.com/space-infrastructure/2019/what-is …

    The SOHO spacecraft is in a halo orbit around the Sun – Earth L1 point, the point between the Earth and the Sun where the balance of the (larger) Sun's gravity and the (smaller) Earth's gravity is equal to the...

  2. Near-rectilinear halo orbit - Wikipedia

  3. A Lunar Orbit That’s Just Right for the International Gateway

  4. 晕轨道 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki

    晕轨道(Halo Orbit),也称为晕轮轨道、光晕轨道、Halo轨道,是轨道力学三体问题中的一个重要概念。 它是一种周期性三维轨道,环绕在$L_1$,$L_2$,$L_3$三个 拉格朗日点 的其中之一。

  5. What is CAPSTONE? - NASA

  6. Chapter 5: Planetary Orbits - NASA Science

    The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft follows a "halo" orbit around Earth's L1, which is 1.53 x 10 6 km from Earth. From there it has an uninterrupted view of its target the Sun, and its orbital excursions ensure that ground …

  7. Where Is Webb? NASA/Webb - Webb Space Telescope

    Track Webb's journey from Earth to its L2 halo orbit, where it will study the Universe with infrared telescope. See Webb's latest images, deployment steps, temperature plots and 3d model.

  8. Gateway Capabilities - NASA

  9. 晕轨道 - 百度百科

    一种是围绕日-地系统平动点运动的晕轨道。这个平动点在日-地连线上,距地球约150万公里。 如果航天器是在这个平动点上而不是在晕轨道上,它就可以同地球一起以相等的 公转角速度 围绕太阳运动。 从地面上看去,它始终在太阳表面, …

  10. 鹊桥号中继星为何可以停在 L2 这个不稳定点? - 知乎