约 68,700 个结果
  1. grammar - What is the correct use of 'Many a'? - English Language ...

  2. determiners - How many of vs How many - English Language …

  3. word difference - This many vs these many - English Language …

  4. Should I use "is" or "are" in the following "how many..." sentences?

  5. Is there a difference in meaning between "many" and "many of"?

  6. Can I say 'that many'? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange

  7. grammar - When to use "much more" or "many more"? - English …

  8. countability - '~ and many more.' vs. '~and much more.' - English ...

  9. “How many...” OR “For how many...”? Which one is correct?

  10. Why is "many a man" singular while "many men" plural?