约 154,000 个结果
  1. Singlish | 第一弹:Singlish入门之“Lah, Leh, Loh” - 知乎专栏

  2. Common Singlish words you need to know to speak like a local

  3. 只有在新加坡呆过,才能看懂这些魔性Singlish~ - 新加坡新闻头条

  4. Lah, leh, lor, and so on.. A fun exploration of Singlish terms. | by ...

  5. Singlish guide: 53 words and phrases you need to know

  6. Can or cannot: 24 ways Singaporeans use the word “can

  7. Can or not? Can meh? Can lah!,’ What are the best Singlish

  8. English离开原生地,来到新加坡,诞生了如“谜语”一般的Singlish

  9. Lah

  10. Singlish - Wikipedia

  11. 某些结果已被删除